
Welcome to my, that is to say Artemiose's, modeling portfolio. To navigate it, you'll find the bar at the left hand side of the page is quite satisfactory. In order to get my blingy, please leave me a message on my homepage.


There are many, many, fantastic products that go unnoticed and unappreciated. Why? Because the picture is terrible. And once you get past your picture, there are all sorts of things on the actual page that are seen, and of course help decide if the consumer will purchase your product. That's where models/photographers come in. Many creators can't afford to waste credits on outfits/pose packs, as they're trying to either

A. Sell their credits for "real" money.

B. Use their credits to develop more products.

So, models are used. Models don't generally require too much payment, many will do it for free, and once their name is out there, start to charge. I personally don't care for a high payment, just the product (free of charge), and 300 credits (200 per product if I am modeling multiple products). After the photo is emailed (or sent by any other form of communication, perhaps photobucket), you can edit it (with a photo editing program) to your heart's content. So, you generally come out with a professionally done photograph, which in turn boosts your sales and of course, since someone (the model in question) has already bought your product (and you've paid him/her back), your product is on a higher page, as it has already had one sale.

So why doesn't everyone do this, you're probably asking? Well, in truth, not many people know where to find an available, professional model. That's where I come in. I have a fantastic array of clothing, not limited to but including: Almost every pose pack ever created, an incredible amount of furry skins, more than 35 rooms in which to take my shots (excluding public rooms or whatever rooms you may own), and of course clothes of all styles, though I do favor products by a certain OrchidBlush. And of course, should I be lacking in the necessary clothing to model for YOUR particular product (hasn't happened yet), I  codes, and own almost all pose packs on the market today. I can also take shots of scenes (if you're selling a room/furniture), and of course (as mentioned before), require no payment except whichever product I may be modeling for, and 300 credits (200 per product if yhave at least 10,000 credits set aside at all times which will be used to cover* any er...incapabilities of my wardrobe (IOMW) that should occur.

I can model as a girl and a boy, thanks to some handy *useou would have me model multiple products). I do offer special deals, contact me for information, and would appreciate if that after I've done a job, you would spread the word. Oh, and it should be said that I will do your photo editing for you, but extra charges may apply. For a list of my past work, or to arrange a meeting with me , please contact me on my IMVU homepage, this site,  or with an IMVU forum PM

Thanks for reading, happy developing (or Modeling, lolz) ^_^

*though depending on how MANY of those credits I have to use in order to achieve the perfect look for your product, you may have to supply some of your own. And of course, because you supplied it, my picture will be much better, and in turn your sales will be much higher (so you will be paid back lol).